Mindfulness Meditation for Everyday Life
Most of us are always on the go in some capacity, tasking ourselves to keep things running smoothly or remedying situations that aren’t going as we hoped.
Mary Riley Styles Public Library
120 N. Virginia Ave.
Falls Church, VA 22046
United States
Most of us are always on the go in some capacity, tasking ourselves to keep things running smoothly or remedying situations that aren’t going as we hoped.
Calling all Master Builders to come and create at the library! This drop-in program is open to students in Grades K-5. No registration is required. Preschoolers are welcome if supervised at all times by an adult.
The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich
The Wednesday Evening Book Club typically meets the second Wednesday evening of every other month and reads a wide range of fiction and nonfiction.
Need a copy of the book? Please search our online catalog or our Overdrive ebook/audiobook collection to check the availability of this book. Special book group copies are also set aside roughly one month before the discussion and can be requested on a first come, first serve basis by emailing circ@fallschurchva.gov.
Want to read reviews and background material? Optional background material - including reviews, author bios, and author interviews - can be found on the Wednesday Evening Book Club's website roughly one week before the discussion.
Special thanks to the MRSPL Foundation, whose support enables us to purchase extra copies of each title for this book club. To learn more about the Foundation, which is an independent 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to enhancing library materials, services, programs, and equipment, please visit mrsplfoundation.org!