Library Closed Thursday 9/19

The library will be closed all day Thursday, September 19, 2024, for staff training and the annual employee picnic. We'll reopen on Friday, September 20, at 10 am.

Magzter Digital Magazines

Magzter Digital Library Edition

Access thousands of digital magazines - like The New Yorker, Women's HealthVanity Fair, and US Weekly - using your browser or using the Magzter Library app for Android or iOS. Includes publications in 40+ languages. 

Help & Guides


Using a Browser:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Continue with Library Card
  3. Enter your email address. You then will be emailed a 4-digit OTP code.
  4. Enter the 4-digit OTP code you received by email. 
  5. Search for Mary Riley Styles Public Library and selected it from the list. Then enter your 14-digit MRSPL card number. 
  6. Start reading! 

Using the Magzter Library App:

  1. Install the Magzter Library app from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. (Please be sure to choose the "Magzter Library" app not the standard "Magzter" app).
  2. Click on Continue with Library Card
  3. Enter your email address. You then will be emailed a 4-digit OTP code.
  4. Enter the 4-digit OTP code you received by email. 
  5. Search for Mary Riley Styles Public Library and selected it from the list. Then enter your 14-digit MRSPL card number. 
  6. Start reading!